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Lindon Farms 3 Month Supply - 1080 Servings

Lindon Farms 3 Month Supply - 1080 Servings

Lindon Farms 3 Month Supply - 1080 Servings
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Lindon Farms 1080 Serving 3 Month Food Storage Buckets


Disaster Necessities presents Lindon Farms Emergency Preparedness Disaster Survival Food Storage: 2000 calories a day (3 months for 1 person)!  We use only the best ingredients in fantastic tasting meals that make it simple.  Face it, during a disaster you don’t want to have to worry about food prep:  Disaster Necessities makes it easy:  Open the pouch, add hot water, and you are on your way.  Best part?  Reseal the pouch!  No messing around with #10 cans! Plus they come in easily stackable buckets that make storing the food easy (always store food in a cool, dry place!) And it’s not just for food storage!  You can use them as meals when you too busy to cook, and throw them in your backpack to take hiking and camping.  It couldn’t be easier to get great tasting nutritious meals.

The meals in this bucket are as follows: 
·        Granola
·        Blueberry Apple Granola
·        Oatmeal
·        Pudding
·        Delicious Freeze Dried Mixes of Fruit
·        Corn Grit Polenta
·        Potatoes Mashed
·        Pasta with Cheese
·        Vegetables (Mixed Variety)
·        Milk (whey)
·        Chocolate Milk (whey)
·        Orange Citrus Drink
·        Eggs
·        Vegetable Stew with Chicken Flavoring
·        Vegetable Stew with Beef Flavoring
·        Fantastic Potato Soup
·        Texas Chili
·        Broccoli Cheese Soup
·        Rice with Beans
Lindon Farms Emergency Preparedness Disaster Survival Food Storage advertises a 20 year shelf life, but the best part about these foods are that you can use them as part of your regular meals, or take them hiking and camping, saving money and rotating your storage.  All of our foods are a combination of freeze-dried and dehydrated foods, to create the absolute best taste, texture, and long term viability.

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Emergency Products and Food Supplies
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Phone: 435-503-4169

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